Signares: Exploring the Role of African Women in the Atlantic Slave Trade


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During the 18th and 19th centuries, an influential group of African women called Signares played a vital role in the Atlantic slave trade.

This period, spanning three centuries from the 16th to the 19th century, represents a dark chapter in human history marked by the capture and transportation of millions of Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to work on American plantations.

However, it is important to acknowledge that the slave trade was a multifaceted enterprise driven by the greed of European traders, but also facilitated by the cooperation of African chiefs and notable female merchants known as Signares.

The Atlantic slave trade emerged as a result of the expansion of European powers and their pursuit of economic gains.

European nations established fortified trading posts along the West African coast, establishing trade relationships with local leaders and communities.

Within this intricate network of trade, Signares held a unique and influential position. These women, often of mixed African and European heritage, wielded considerable social and economic power in their respective societies.

Signares were born into privilege, inheriting wealth and property from their European fathers. They enjoyed educational opportunities that were scarce for most women of the time.

Educated in European schools, they developed a deep understanding of both African and European cultural norms, allowing them to navigate these spheres with ease.

As intermediaries, Signares played a crucial role in facilitating the trade of enslaved Africans. They acted as astute businesswomen, skilled traders, and cultural intermediaries, connecting European merchants with African communities.

Their dual heritage, linguistic abilities, and intimate knowledge of local customs made them invaluable in negotiating and executing trade deals.

Signares often solidified their economic and political influence through strategic alliances, forming marriages with European merchants or powerful African leaders. Moreover, their cultural contributions were significant.

They introduced European fashions, cuisine, and architectural styles, blending them with African traditions and giving rise to a unique fusion of cultural expressions.

Today, the influence of Signares can still be observed in regions such as Senegal and Guinea-Bissau, where their legacy is deeply embedded in the vibrant cultural fabric.

Beyond their economic and cultural impact, Signares left a lasting legacy in West Africa. Their entrepreneurial spirit and economic success have served as an inspiration for subsequent generations of African businesswomen, showcasing the enduring power of female empowerment.

Moreover, their stories challenge the simplistic narrative that portrays African women solely as victims of the slave trade, shedding light on their agency, resilience, and intellectual prowess.

By recognizing the significant role of Signares, we gain a deeper understanding of the complex dynamics surrounding the Atlantic slave trade.

This article delves into the important contributions of Signares and similar figures, providing valuable insights into their role in shaping the Atlantic Slave Trade.

Who were the Signares?

The term “Signare” comes from the Portuguese word “Senhora,” which means “lady.” It was used to describe African women who were married to European traders or involved in relationships with them.

Signares, who were usually of mixed-race heritage, held a respected position in their communities and had power and influence that benefited their families and businesses.

These women had a deep understanding of both African and European cultures and could speak multiple languages.

As a result, they played a crucial role as intermediaries in trading goods such as slaves, gold, and textiles in the region.

The emergence of Signares can be traced back to the 18th century when European traders established trading posts along the West African coast.

As the demand for enslaved Africans grew, European traders formed relationships with local women, and their mixed-race children grew up to become Signares.

Signares were involved in various aspects of the slave trade, including acquiring, transporting, and selling enslaved individuals.

They acted as intermediaries between European and African traders, navigating the complexities of commerce and negotiation.

Over time, some Signares amassed significant wealth and held considerable power in their own right. They established successful businesses that contributed to the economic growth of their communities.

Signares were particularly prominent in West African countries like Senegal, the Gambia, and Sierra Leone. They flourished in island settlements such as Gorée and Saint Louis, where they had high social standing and owned property.

One notable Signare, Anna Colas Pépin, born in 1787 to a French father and an African mother, exemplifies the achievements of these women.

Anna’s marriage to a French naval officer named Nicolas Pépin paved the way for their prosperous trading network spanning the region. Anna was recognized for her sharp business acumen and ability to navigate complex trade relationships between West Africa and Europe.

The stories of Signares like Anna Colas Pépin showcase the resilience, intelligence, and entrepreneurship of these exceptional women.

Their contributions during the slave trade era left a lasting impact on West African history. Recognizing and celebrating the accomplishments of Signares helps us understand the complexities of the Atlantic slave trade better.

Their influence challenges conventional narratives and highlights the agency and empowerment of African women in a period marked by exploitation and oppression.

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Acknowledging the contributions of Signares enriches our historical understanding, offering a more comprehensive and nuanced account of the interconnectedness and power dynamics of the transatlantic slave trade.

Influence of the Signares

During the Atlantic Slave Trade, the Signares rose to prominence in Senegal. They formed alliances with European men, often through marriage, which granted them access to resources and networks, enabling them to attain power and influence.

These remarkable women defied societal norms and skillfully navigated the complexities of race, gender, and class.

By leveraging their role as intermediaries between African and European cultures, the Signares played a vital role in the economic activities tied to the slave trade, shaping trade networks and influencing the movement of enslaved Africans.

As earlier mentioned, Signares, often born to European fathers and African mothers, occupied a unique position within West African society.

They enjoyed elevated social status, wealth, and educational opportunities that were denied to most women of their time.

Many Signares inherited property and wealth from their European fathers and were educated in European schools, allowing them to navigate both African and European cultural spheres.

They served as vital intermediaries in the Atlantic slave trade. They acted as businesswomen, traders, and cultural brokers, facilitating trade between European merchants and African communities.

By leveraging their dual heritage, language skills, and knowledge of local customs, they played a central role in the negotiation and execution of trade deals.

They often formed strategic alliances through marriage with European merchants or powerful African leaders, further enhancing their economic and political influence.

The Signares made significant cultural contributions to West Africa during the era of the Atlantic slave trade.

They introduced European fashions, cuisine, and architectural styles, which merged with African traditions, creating a unique blend of cultural expressions.

This fusion of cultures can still be observed today in Senegal, Guinea-Bissau, and other regions where the Signares thrived.

Additionally, they played a crucial role in preserving and promoting local traditions, as they acted as patrons of the arts and supported indigenous artisans and craftsmen.

Legacy of the Signares

The legacy of the Signares endures in West Africa, with their influence felt in various aspects of society.

Their economic prowess and entrepreneurial spirit have inspired subsequent generations of African businesswomen, reinforcing the importance of female empowerment.

The cultural contributions made by the Signares continue to shape the vibrant cultural landscape of West Africa, highlighting the richness and diversity of the region.

By the mid-19th century, the practice of European traders marrying local women for commercial alliances experienced a gradual decline due to various factors.

One significant factor was the abolition of slavery in Senegal in 1848, which had a profound impact on the dynamics of the region.

With the emancipation of enslaved individuals, the need for large-scale trading in human chattel diminished, leading to a decrease in the demand for Signare partnerships.

Furthermore, colonial officials began adopting less tolerant attitudes towards Signare marriages and relationships.

They viewed these unions as disruptive to the established racial hierarchy and social structure imposed by the colonial powers.

As European dominance in Africa intensified, colonial authorities sought to exert greater control over the economic and social landscape.

Consequently, Signare partnerships, which had once provided European merchants with valuable connections and local knowledge, were gradually discouraged and even suppressed by colonial officials.

The changing economic and political dynamics further contributed to the decline of Signare alliances. As European powers solidified their dominance in Africa, they established more direct control over trade routes and resources.

This shift reduced the reliance on intermediary figures like the Signares for conducting business. European merchants and officials began to prioritize direct trade relationships with African chiefs and leaders, diminishing the significance of Signare partnerships in the process.

In summary, the decline of the practice of European traders marrying locals for commercial alliances in the mid-19th century can be attributed to multiple factors.

The abolition of slavery, evolving colonial attitudes, and the changing economic and political landscape all played crucial roles in diminishing the significance of Signare relationships.

These developments marked a significant shift in the power dynamics and trading practices in West Africa, ultimately leading to the gradual decline of the practice of Signare partnerships.


The story of the Signares reveals the complexity and agency of West African women during the era of the Atlantic slave trade.

These remarkable women defied the limitations imposed upon them by society and exerted their influence in the realms of business, culture, and politics.

Recognizing their contributions helps to challenge the simplistic narrative that portrays African women solely as victims of the slave trade.

By shedding light on their stories, we pay homage to their resilience, intelligence, and unwavering spirit, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of this troubling period in history.



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