In a recent experiment aimed at dispelling the misconception of Africa as a monolithic entity, I discovered that justice, morality, and character hold significant importance across various African traditional ethical systems, regardless of one’s religious affiliation.
The experiment sought to shed light on the rich tapestry of ethical codes present in Africa. Before colonization, many assume that Africans adhered to a single set of beliefs known as “African spirituality.” However, my research unearthed a mosaic of 27 distinct ethical systems that emerged from diverse cultures across the continent.
To conduct this study, I devised a list of ten qualities that define a “good authentic Muslim.” Subsequently, I evaluated which of these qualities practitioners of the 27 African traditional ethical systems would expect from individuals striving to embody their respective systems. The findings proved remarkably captivating, promising to challenge preconceived notions.
It is crucial to note that these alignments are based on general observations and should be approached with caution. In my attempt to simplify certain qualities, I may have overlooked their inherent complexities.
The qualities expected from an authentic Muslim are multifaceted and encompass various aspects highly regarded within the Islamic faith. These ten qualities include faith (Iman), worship (Ibadah), morality (Akhlaq), knowledge (Ilm), character (Adab), justice (Adl), modesty (Hayaa), compassion (Rahma), tolerance (Tasamuh), and seeking forgiveness (Tawbah).
Drawing from my understanding of the African ethical systems I explored, here is an endeavor to identify the qualities from the list expected by practitioners of these 27 African ethical systems:
- Abuntu – Bantu people of East Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Compassion (Rahma), Tolerance (Tasamuh)
- Adab – Arab North Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Character (Adab)
- Azania – South Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Botho – Setswana people of Botswana: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Bantu philosophy – Bantu people of sub-Saharan Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Edeb – Hausa people of Nigeria: Morality (Akhlaq), Character (Adab)
- “guul” – Somali people of Somalia: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Harambee – Kenya: Justice (Adl), Tolerance (Tasamuh)
- Iwa – Yoruba people of Nigeria: Morality (Akhlaq), Character (Adab)
- Kafala – Arab North Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Compassion (Rahma), Justice (Adl)
- Maat – ancient Egypt: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Maraboutism – Senegal: Morality (Akhlaq), Knowledge (Ilm)
- Muluka – Swahili people of East Africa: Justice (Adl), Tolerance (Tasamuh)
- Muntu – Bantu people of southern Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Negritude – Francophone Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Nkrabea – Ashanti people of Ghana: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Odu Ifa – Yoruba people of Nigeria: Morality (Akhlaq), Knowledge (Ilm)
- Omoluabi – Yoruba people of Nigeria: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Sagal – Somali people of Somalia: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Seriti – Basotho people of Lesotho: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
- Tawhid – Arab North Africa: Faith (Iman)
- Tarbiya – Arab North Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Knowledge (Ilm)
- Ubuntu – southern Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Compassion (Rahma), Tolerance (Tasamuh)
- Ubuntuism – South Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Compassion (Rahma), Tolerance (Tasamuh)
- Ujamaa – Swahili people of East Africa: Justice (Adl), Tolerance (Tasamuh)
- Xeer – Somali people of Somalia: Justice (Adl)
- Zulu ethic – Zulu people of South Africa: Morality (Akhlaq), Justice (Adl)
This general assessment is based on shared values and principles associated with Islam, as well as the limited information available about the mentioned African ethical systems. However, it is essential to acknowledge that each African ethical system has its own unique practices, beliefs, and teachings, which may deviate from the general trends presented here. Further research and in-depth study would be necessary to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the specific ethical expectations within these systems.
The recurring theme that emerged from this exploration is that practitioners of traditional African ethical systems, regardless of their religious or philosophical background, prioritize moral conduct, character development, justice, and a thirst for knowledge. These overlaps suggest a shared human quest for ethical principles that transcend religious boundaries.