Check out these 3 black Geniuses with the highest IQs ever in the world


Check out these 3 black Geniuses with the highest IQs ever in the world

These 3 black kids: Ramarni, Anala, & Alannah have the highest IQ in the world that surpasses Bill Gates and Albert Einstein

Ramarni Wilfred, Anala Beevers and Alannah George are three black kids who currently have the highest Intelligent Quotient (IQ) in the world that surpasses the likes of Bill Gates, Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton.

These are a new generation of thinkers who are ready to cause significant change and shift in their societies with the power of their memory and the excellent function of their brain. These kids exhibit traits and characteristics of world changers and their love for ”dreaded’ subjects at that young age is admirable.

Check out these 3 black Geniuses with the highest IQs ever in the world

Thanks to the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world, Mensa, it has become possible to know the IQs of many children and trust me African American kids are not left out.

Mensa, as a non-profit organization, is open to people who score at the 98th percentile or higher on a standardised, supervised IQ or other approved intelligence test.

According to the organization, which provides a forum for intellectual exchange among its members in more than 100 countries around the world, these are the Black kids with the highest IQs:

Wilfred Ramirez

Ramarni Wilfred, a British teenager, has an IQ score higher than Einstein’s, Hawking’s, and even Bill Gates’. Ramarni achieved a 162 on his intelligence quotient test.

He has been invited and accepted into Mensa and has hopes of attending Oxford University and becoming an astrophysicist.

He has been invited and accepted into Mensa and has hopes of attending Oxford University and becoming an astrophysicist

Anala Beevers

At just four years old, New Orleans native Anala Beevers possessed an IQ over 145. By 10 months old she could identify and point to each letter of the Alphabet.

Reportedly by 18 months, Anala was reciting numbers in both Spanish and English and by her fifth birthday in 2014, she could recite the name of every North American state on the map, as well as every capital.

The names of planets and dinosaurs are her current preoccupation says Daily Mail

Alannah George

Four-year-old schoolgirl, Alannah George is UK’s second-youngest Mensa member with an IQ score of 140.

She is obsessed with words and numbers and taught herself how to read before even starting school.

George, a class pupil from Iver, Buckinghamshire, prefers reciting the alphabet and times tables than singing nursery rhymes.

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