HIV Preventive Wonder Treatment Africans Can Use


HIV Preventive Wonder Treatment Africans Can Use

HIV/Aids is a life-threatening viral disease that has not gotten a cure. While the world is struggling to curb the number of lives the disease takes in Africa, we got good news. Today, an infected person can marry a non-infected person without fear of transmitting the disease. How possible can this be? We have a drug that can help you achieve that. We called it Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis ( PrEP).

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What Is Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis?


Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis ( PrEP ) Is an HIV management procedure, where HIV-negative people take drugs to decrease their chances of getting positive when they have been exposed to the human immunodeficiency virus. Currently, the world has not produced a mass vaccine to curb the spread of HIV, but PreEP is an effective method of preventing its spread if taken as prescribed.

Who can take PrEP? HIV-negative adolescents and adults who are sexually active or prone to contracting the virus through drug injections are prescribed PrEP. People whose partners are at risk or infected can take PrEP too.

 When taken correctly, it works effectively in eliminating the risk of contracting the virus. The method is similar to the effect of malaria pills or Injections in places at high risk of mosquito infestation. Take, for instance, tourists visiting Africa take malaria prophylactic medication to eliminate their risk of getting malaria. PrEP works exactly like that on people at high risk of getting HIV.

PrEP helps in reducing the risk of contracting HIV through sexual activities for bisexual and gay men, heterosexual women and men, and transgender women. However, it does not protect people against pregnancy or other sexually transmitted infections (STI). People should understand that PreEP cannot cure HIV.

HIV Preventive Wonder Treatment Africans Can Use

How Does PrEP Prevent HIV?

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis works on the human body by building fortified fences against CD4 cells. The protection stops the virus from entering the cells and weakening them. When HIV gains access to healthy cells, it affects the CD4 cells, which PrEP prevents from happening.

Studies show that the protection from PrEP becomes visible from seven days after its first dose.

When Was PrEP Approved?

 In 2012, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Emtricitabine (F) 200 mg, which is combined with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) 300 mg. The brand name of this PrEP is called Truvada.®

HIV Preventive Wonder Treatment Africans Can Use

Side Effects

 Some people suffer mild side effects like loss of appetite, nausea, and headaches. It is recommended that people taking PrEP should have their kidneys examined every six months.

Most people are not aware of this treatment. This could have saved many marriages, lives, and given hope to millions who lost their innocent ones to the virus. However, before you think of taking this drug, it must be under the supervision of medical personnel.

PrEP can also be used to prevent contracting the virus and not to cure the virus. HIV/AIDS currently has no proven cure.

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