How African Hospitality and Freight Transport Industries Are Evolving


How African Hospitality and Freight Transport Industries Are Evolving

In Africa, every niche or business has its unique concerns and challenges.  The freight transport niche has a need to take care of efficiency while it handles the changing demands it receives from its users. For those who do not know, freight involves the bulk transport of goods and cargo from one place to another via land, sea or air. In addition, the hospitality industry in Africa should learn how to balance customer service with sales.

How African Hospitality and Freight Transport Industries Are Evolving

Recent evolvutions in customer expectation has forced the freight transport and hospitality industry to update the way they approach their customers.  The customer relationship and marketing should be updated to the modern way of doing business.

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We have listed some of the ways these industries are becoming better:

The Expansion of eCommerce.

Africa has witnessed an improvement in the eCommerce sector. However, suppliers and shippers find it difficult to adequately handle their customers demand with the local shipping practices. These two for the mean time do not seem to go hand in hand. When most of the business owners try to update their practices, they often sacrifice customer relations and efficiency.

The demand for smaller shipping companies is gradually rising as small and medium businesses join the eCommerce niche.  Shippers are embracing the drop shipping business model. We have seen an improvement in the use of third party retailers when it comes to shipping and delivery of products.

As Africa witnesses an increase in the use of drop shipping, the freight transport industry need to make use of software to control and manage their shipments and warehouses.

The Presence of Massive Data for Supply Chains

The effective use of IT services in freight transport or shipping niche has made it easier for smaller companies to join the industry.  Customers demand their logistic firms to provide better quality, lower costs, and more features.  The demand for the use of integrated IT services accompanied with blockchain and big data services is what most customers demand from freight transport firms.

How African Hospitality and Freight Transport Industries Are Evolving

This has caused the supply chain to depend on analytics for the interpretation of logistic data in making decisions.  African freight transport firms strive to offer accurate and reliable big data for their businesses.

The Increase in Multi-generation Marketing

African companies are striving to meet the demand of their customer’s lifestyles, values, and expectations.  Multi-generation marketing has become one of the strategies some African companies are using to meet their goals. As the name would suggest, this involves meeting the needs of multiple generations e.f Baby boomers, millennial  rather than focusing efforts on meeting only the needs of one generation.

The travel and hospitality niche have started looking for ways to meet the desire of their modern customers, who need better traveling options.  Companies have become more transparent and honest to win the loyalty of their potential customers.

The Influence of User-Generated Content

Hospitality niche has improved their concentration on the younger Africans.  The industry has started making use of user generated content above the traditional paid marketing.  The use of social media has made it possible for the travel and hospitality niche to meet their potential customers.

How African Hospitality and Freight Transport Industries Are Evolving

The freight transport and hospitality niches are trying to adapt to the evolving global  marketplace.

The Customer Relationship Management  CRMs Supporting Business Growth

The CRM platform has the ability to attract sales, efficiency balanced with the customer services. The management of customer relationship is important.  The CRMs makes it easier to curb time wastage and perform automated tasks.

These new innovations have shown the way in which Africans and their freight and hospitality industries are engaging in honest efforts to ensure the continuous growth of these industries and to ensure visitors to africa are continously met with the highest standard of service.

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