How to Prepare Soya Milk Drink At Home


Did you know that processed dairy can be easily replaced with soya milk?

Soya milk has a high nutritional value, it’s a fantastic source of protein, and even more, it has few saturated fats.

Additional benefits include the fact that soya milk is fully lactose-free, excellent for the heart and an effective method of lowering cholesterol.

Also, soya milk has high levels of phytoestrogen, a plant hormone that works to regulate testosterone and may help protect elderly men from developing prostate cancer.

Ingredients for soya milk

  • 300g raw soya beans (washed and soaked for about 10 hours)
  • warm water
  • a cup of sugar or sweetener
  • a tablespoon of vanilla flavor (optional)

Related post: 10 Health Benefits of Ginger Drink


  1. It is advisable and important to wash your soya and soak it in water overnight.
  2. Drain the water and rub the beans in between your palms to remove the skin.
  3. Pour the washed soya beans in a blender, add enough water and blend till smooth.
  4. In a sieve, pour the blended soya paste to filtrate your soya drink.
  5. Pour the drink in a pot and cook for about 20 minutes, stirring the milk at intervals so that it doesn’t form lumps.
  6. Allow to cool down for hours, add sweetener, sugar or flavor and serve.
soya milk


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