Industries With Potential for New Business Ideas in Africa


Industries With Potential for New Business Ideas in Africa

Which sector in your country has remained strong since the pandemic started? Many of us will count agriculture, the tech, and medical sectors as the most lucrative during this period. Do you believe these sectors have come to offer us more job opportunities?

Industries With Potential for New Business Ideas in Africa

All over the world, millions of people have lost their jobs. However, while more people are losing their jobs, a few surging sectors have offered African entrepreneurs new business ideas and opportunities.

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Let’s take a look at these sectors have survived:

The WFH Improved Niche

WFH simply means work from home. Companies like telecommunication, Zoom, and cable stations have played the game of resilience. Work from home has improved with the support of companies like Zoom and reliable teleconference apps.

While many companies are counting their  losses, people that embraced the improved work from home experience have better stories to tell. Brands that adopted the WFH strategy didn’t lose much.

People who have ideas of how to create noise canceling gadgets or wall covers can take advantage of this market. Furniture and working gadgets have not lost out with WFH experience.

There was an era when work from home seemed alien to most Africans. Many believed that you must step out of your house if you must be considered as working. The idea of working from your home doesn’t seem productive to them. However, this has changed since the pandemic started.

Industries With Potential for New Business Ideas in Africa

Get Productive at Home

For people who operate a gym for fitness, the pandemic affected their business in Africa.  However, we saw play from home niche improve dramatically over time. If you have a startup that supports people become productive indoors, you have more to do these days.

Business ideas in this sector include creating a home studio for people who want to record, live stream or broadcast their YouTube lectures, videos, presentations, and podcasts. The next set of people to reap massive are teachers or tutors who can make use of the online learning facilities.

Industries With Potential for New Business Ideas in Africa

Offer Regulatory Driven Essentials

While the pandemic has created a world of contactless,  producers of personal protective equipment (PPE), sanitizers, face shields, blood and masks, plastic separators, and other safety tools have more to gain.

These regulatory driven essentials have changed the way we live. For a very long time, producers of these tools will have available markets. People want more of these tools or products because of their safety.

From hotels to hospitals, government to airports, and transportation sectors, the market for PPE is huge.

Finally, changing demographics wouldn’t affect how we live because of the demand of more healthcare workers around the countries. Those in the hiring sector can take advantage of the need in the health sectors.

The agricultural and tech industries have more to gain these days. If you are still wondering where to invest your money, we believe this content will help you make the right choice.

Africa is immensely blessed despite the shock of the pandemic. You can take advantage of the many incentives placed on many sectors to start your dream business today.

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