Things You Should Know About Côte d’Ivoire Cuisine


Things You Should Know About Côte d’Ivoire Cuisine

Coming to Côte d’Ivoire has a lot of things to offer you. In the midst of the many activities that have been lined for you to have an awesome moment, the local cuisine will help you stay healthy. Most locals depend on root vegetables, grain, rice and peanut with fufu, plantains, yams and maize. Meat is usually served with meals. Sometimes, fish and chicken and kedjenou (this is a vegetable sauce that prepared with peanuts, tomatoes, okra and aubergines are added.

Things You Should Know About Côte d’Ivoire Cuisine

One of the popular dishes you will find here is the attiéké – a meal that is similar to couscous and made from grated cassava. The locals love spices like hot pepper that are added to meals as flavour.

Vegetables and grains are served with fresh fruits and a variety of sauces as a standard dessert.

Things You Should Know About Côte d’Ivoire Cuisine

We have been talking more about the local’s meals and must have forgotten about drinks. There are variety of drinks like ginger beer, palm wine and Youki soda. Youki soda is sweeter than Toni water.

Local maquis is an eatery joint that is only unique to the Ivorians. You can also sample meals at the street vendors and outdoor markets. The maquis can be found around the country

Things You Should Know About Côte d’Ivoire Cuisine

The Ivoirians are hospitable and generous who love inviting visitors to join them when they are eating. The locals strongly believe that who have enough meal are blessed when they share with others.

If you visit some of villages, you will see some villagers gathered in a common to eat. This act helps them to unite with each other. The boys, girls, women, and men eat separately from one another on a ground.

Things You Should Know About Côte d’Ivoire Cuisine

The people eat from large bowls and scoop with their right hands.  It is the eldest that eat first to ensure that the meal is safe for the younger ones. If contamination is suspected or the food is sour, the elders will force the younger ones to stop eating the meals. However, if the meal is safe, strict table manners must be enforced.

There are things you shouldn’t do if you are eating with the locals. It is considered rude when you sneeze or cough while eating.  You are expected to wash your hands after meals. Bowl of water is seen passed around and you are required to wash hands like the others.

Things You Should Know About Côte d’Ivoire Cuisine

Coming to the country will allow you eat healthy. The meals are not often expensive. However, if you are not ready to suffer food poisoning or food contamination, you should eat in good places. If you are visiting the first time, it is expected that you ask questions. The locals are the ones who will help you eat the best if you are lost on what to eat.  There are fresh fruits and seafood you can go for.  The markets are cheaper options of getting the right ingredients if you want to cook.  Some hotels have great restaurants you can eat in if you are not ready to step out to look for food.

You can comment below and tell us how you feel about the Ivoirians and their choice of meals.

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