The Life and Death of Mwenda Msiri, The African King Who Fought Against European Colonialism


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Mwenda Msiri, a powerful African king, ruled over the Kingdom of Yeke, also known as Garanganze, in what is now the Democratic Republic of Congo.

He was a skilled and savvy leader who expanded his kingdom’s territory and wealth through trade and diplomacy.

However, his success and the valuable mineral resources in his kingdom made him a target for European colonial powers, ultimately leading to his death at the hands of Belgian colonialists.

The Early Life of Mwenda Msiri

Mwenda Msiri, born in the mid-19th century, rose to become the king of the Yeke Kingdom in 1856. Hailing from the Luba tribe, known for their proficiency in farming and trading, the Luba Empire controlled a vast area rich in copper, gold, and diamonds, making it one of the most prosperous and powerful kingdoms in the region.

Msiri was a natural leader and quickly established himself as a skilled military strategist, raising a formidable army capable of defending his territory against rival kingdoms and foreign invaders.

He established trade relationships with neighboring kingdoms and European traders, which brought wealth and resources to his kingdom.

Through a combination of military conquest and diplomatic alliances, Msiri successfully expanded his kingdom’s territory.

He built a robust army and a well-organized government, enabling him to maintain control over his land and protect it from external invaders.

His trade connections with Arab and Swahili traders further bolstered the Yeke Kingdom’s prosperity.

Sadly, Belgian colonialists killed him, but he left a legacy as a powerful and skilled leader who fought to protect his people and their resources.

Mwenda Msiri and European powers

Around 1856, Mwenda Msiri and his followers settled in southern Katanga, and by 1870, he had taken over most of the region from the previous rulers.

During the peak of his power in the mid-1880s, Msiri’s kingdom was vast, and he received tribute from neighboring areas. His wealth came primarily from the copper trade, but he also dealt in ivory and slaves.

To maintain his trade routes, Msiri kept them open to both the east and west coasts. He began trading with Tippu Tib, an Arab trader and state builder, in the 1870s, primarily to purchase rifles to strengthen his military.

Missionaries arrived in Msiri’s kingdom in 1886, but it was the discovery of Katanga’s mineral wealth by Europeans that led to his downfall.

Msiri refused to negotiate with the British South Africa Company but was fatally shot while negotiating with an expedition from the Belgian king Leopold II’s Congo Free State in 1891.

Mwenda Msiri introduced new political titles and ceremonies and made some changes in customary law, while also maintaining older Lunda state-building patterns.

The Nyamwezi, who were part of his followers, introduced new crops such as sweet potatoes, smallpox vaccination, and a technique for making copper wire, which had a significant impact on the region.

Despite being wealthy and prominent, Mwenda’s success also made him a target for European colonial powers who were looking to expand their empires and exploit the natural resources of Africa.

Two such powers were the British South Africa Company (BSAC) and the Congo Free State, which was owned by King Leopold II of Belgium.

In the late 19th century, Belgium established a colony in the Congo Basin, which was adjacent to Mwenda’s territory.

Belgian officials saw the Luba Empire as a potential source of valuable minerals, and they began to make overtures to Mwenda, hoping to establish a friendly relationship with him.

The BSAC was a private company founded by Cecil Rhodes in 1889, with the goal of controlling the mineral-rich territories of southern Africa.

The company was granted a royal charter by the British government, giving it the power to annex and administer territories in southern Africa. The BSAC set its sights on Msiri’s territory, as it was rich in copper and other valuable minerals.

Meanwhile, King Leopold II of Belgium established the Congo Free State in 1885, which covered a vast area in central Africa.

Leopold claimed the territory as his own personal property and established a brutal regime that exploited the local population and resources for his own benefit. Like the BSAC, Leopold saw Msiri’s kingdom as a potential source of valuable minerals and began to make overtures to him.

At first, Msiri was cautious in his dealings with the European powers. He was aware of the threat that they posed to his independence and did not want to become a vassal of European power.

However, as the pressure from both sides increased, he began to consider their proposals more seriously.

In 1890, the British South Africa Company (BSAC) attempted to win over Msiri, but their emissary was unsuccessful.

King Leopold of the Congo Free State then dispatched two expeditions in 1891, the Paul Le Marinel expedition and the Delcommune Expedition, to persuade Msiri to accept the Free State flag and Leopold’s sovereignty. However, these efforts were also unsuccessful, prompting Leopold to turn to mercenaries.

In 1891, Msiri signed a treaty with the BSAC that recognized their authority over part of his territory. Under the terms of the treaty, the BSAC was allowed to establish trading posts in the Yeke Kingdom, and they were granted mining concessions in areas that were rich in minerals.

Msiri hoped that the treaty would provide him with a powerful ally against the encroaching Belgian colonialists.

However, the treaty soon proved to be a source of conflict between Msiri and the BSAC. The BSAC began to expand its control over Msiri’s territory, and they started to take more and more of the valuable mineral resources that were located there. This led to a series of clashes between Msiri’s army and BSAC troops.

At the same time, King Leopold II of Belgium was also pressuring Msiri to sign a treaty with the Congo Free State.

Msiri was reluctant to do so, as he knew that it would mean giving up his independence and becoming a vassal of the Belgian king. However, as the pressure from the Belgians increased, Msiri began to fear for his safety and that of his kingdom.

In 1895, the conflict came to a head when a Belgian force led by Captain William Stairs, a British mercenary known for his reliability and effectiveness, was hired by Leopold to carry out his bidding.

Stairs hired a group of 400 Africans, including supervisors, askari and force publique soldiers, as well as personal servants and porters and invaded Msiri’s capital city of Bunkeya.

His orders were to take control of Katanga, with or without Msiri’s agreement, and wait for the arrival of a second Free State column, the Bia Expedition, led by two Belgian officers.

Upon arriving at Msiri’s capital in Bunkeya, the expedition set up camp outside the city walls. After the customary three-day wait before seeing an African chief, Msiri received them courteously, and negotiations began.

However, when Msiri refused to agree to Stair’s demands, Stairs resorted to an ultimatum, threatening to fly the Free State flag without his consent. When Msiri fled to a fortified village outside Bunkeya, Stairs sent his second-in-command, Omer Bodson, to apprehend him.

Msiri’s army was unable to repel the Belgian invaders, and he was forced to flee to the nearby town of Musumba.

Mwenda Msiri Death and Legacy

Bodson located Msiri at Musumba and attempted to take him into custody, but the situation quickly escalated into violent conflict, resulting in Msiri’s death.

The expedition then retreated with Msiri’s lifeless body, which was decapitated and displayed on a pole to prevent his followers from deceiving the public into believing he was still alive.

Mwenda’s flight from Bunkeya marked the end of his reign. He was pursued by Belgian forces, and he was eventually killed in a battle near Musumba. His death was a significant blow to the Luba Empire, and it paved the way for Belgian colonization of the region.


The legacy of Mwenda Msiri lives on to this day. He is remembered as a brave and intelligent leader who fought to defend his people’s independence and their natural resources.

His tragic death at the hands of Belgian colonialists is a reminder of the destructive impact of European imperialism on Africa and its people.

Mwenda Msiri’s story is just one of many examples of the devastating impact that European colonialism had on Africa.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, European powers scrambled to gain control of Africa’s resources and establish colonial empires.

The so-called “Scramble for Africa” led to the exploitation of African peoples and the establishment of political and economic systems that were designed to benefit European powers at the expense of local populations.

The legacy of colonialism is still being felt today, with many African nations struggling to recover from the effects of centuries of exploitation, oppression, and violence.

However, the story of Mwenda Msiri is also one of resilience and courage. Despite facing overwhelming odds, he fought fiercely to defend his kingdom and his people’s way of life.

His legacy serves as a reminder of the importance of valuing and protecting the sovereignty and independence of a nation.


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