In a heartwarming announcement, renowned Nigerian comedian Alibaba, whose real name is Atunyota Alleluya Akpobome, and his wife Mary have welcomed a delightful addition to their family – a set of triplets.
The comedy icon took to Instagram on Monday to share the joyous news with his followers, revealing that their newborns, all boys, had joined their family two months ago. In his post, Alibaba expressed profound happiness and gratitude for the blessing of their three sons – Aaron, Alexander, and Andrew.
“It’s been two months since they arrived, and as the days go by, we thank God Almighty for these three beautiful blessings,” Alibaba shared in his heartfelt message. He also extended appreciation to their extended family, friends, and well-wishers for their unwavering support, prayers, love, best wishes, and gifts during this special time.
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“As we celebrate the essence of the resurrection power in this period of Easter, we join our faith with yours and pray that things of joy will never be far from you,” Alibaba continued, expressing his wishes for abundant blessings and favor to all during this holy period of reawakening.
The announcement of the triplets’ arrival has stirred immense joy and congratulations from fans and colleagues in the entertainment industry, who flooded the comment section of Alibaba’s post with messages of love, blessings, and well-wishes for the growing family.
Alibaba, a pioneer in Nigeria’s comedy scene, has brought laughter and joy to countless audiences over the years with his witty humor and sharp observational comedy. Now, with the arrival of Aaron, Alexander, and Andrew, the beloved comedian embarks on a new chapter filled with the boundless love and laughter of fatherhood.
The entire team at I Love Africa extends our heartfelt congratulations to Alibaba and Mary on the arrival of their adorable triplets and wishes them a lifetime of love, happiness, and cherished moments with their growing family.