Following the return of the descendants of children of the motherland who were forcefully taken from her centuries ago by the enslavers; there has been an increasing interest in owning property and a lot of the African diaspora are owning real estate in various African countries. Gaby Straker, an African-American woman from Atlanta who recently acquired and built a property in The Gambia; is rejoicing over the joy of acquiring a property on the continent. “It gives me a peace of mind to know that I actually own a house in Africa now…”; I have a really nice neighbors and we say hi to each other all the time,” She said.

According to Gaby Straker, she prefers living in The Gambia than in Atlanta. “I prefer a stress-free life, there is so much of freedom that I experience here compared to living in Atlanta.”
Gaby Straker is one of the thousands of African diasporans who are buying properties in Africa. With the help of Pan-African real estate companies like TAF, the process has become easier and reliable.

In recent years, Africans have taken control of their own stories by countering the negative imagery the western white washed media has chosen to create of the African continent. African music, movies, and platforms like I LOVE AFRICA; have taken it upon themselves to enlighten the world about the beauty of the continent; its nature, people, modern infrastructure, diverse culture and talent.