Youths in Burkina Faso are currently demanding the removal of French troops from their country; and to further register his displeasure, young boy used his locally made catapult to bring down a French military. This Burkinabe boy is now being celebrated by the locals.
According to a live update from Kaya city, in Burkina faso, the youths who are still at post to prevent the French troops from crossing in to Niger identified the drone which they claimed was being used to “spy” on them. Following this suspicion, the young boy grounded the drone with a shot from his catapult.
French Troops in Burkina Faso
Eyegambia’s source in Kaya city reports that the youths who started the protest since Thursday evening are still maintaining their grounds. Authorities tried to negotiate but they remain rigid.
Earlier on, Youths in the city of Kaya, blocked a French military convoy which was heading towards Niger; with demands that the French troops leave their country. “Kaya says to the French army to go home,” a handwritten placard held by a protester reads. The youth also made demands that the foreign soldiers open their vehicles for them to check for what they termed “suspect items.”
“We asked them to open their vehicles so that we have an idea of the contents,”; a protester identified as Bassirou Ouedraogo told Reporters, adding that; “we know what is inside: suspect items.” According to a monitored conversation as reported by Reuters; Youths in Burkina Faso and those of other surrounding west/north African countries hold a general view that France is contributing to the crisis in the region by working with the Islamist jihadists whilst pretending to be fighting them.
This speculations that are currently widely shared by the youths; are based on the fact that insecurity in the region keeps getting worse despite the presence of French soldiers. “We were demonstrating against insecurity, when we learned that from Côte d’Ivoire, a convoy of the French army was to cross Burkina Faso to Niger…We decided to blockade, because despite the agreements signed with France, we continue to record deaths,” a protestor told AFP.