In an inspiring tale of perseverance and dedication, 102-year-old Sarah Simpkins has achieved her lifelong dream of earning a college degree. Simpkins recently graduated from Brightpoint Community College’s Early Childhood Education program in Chester, Virginia, marking a historic moment in her life and for the institution.
Even more special, she celebrated this milestone alongside her proud granddaughter, Halimah Shepherd-Crawford, who also graduated from the same program.
“I can’t even express my emotions right now,” Halimah told WLBT. “It was all an idea, and we’re here now. And I’m just so excited for my grandmother that she accomplished what she wanted.”
For Ms. Sarah, the journey to this achievement has been long and filled with numerous challenges. She initially attended Allen University in Columbia, South Carolina, but had to drop out when she became pregnant at the age of 20. Despite the interruption in her education, she never let go of her dream to graduate from college.
Returning to college was a long-time goal for Simpkins, who dedicated herself to raising her 12 children after leaving Allen University. Her unwavering faith and determination kept her dream alive for over eight decades.
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“I feel very wild,” Ms. Sarah said with a joyful heart. “I feel very grateful to God for letting me do whatever I do. Thank you, God.”
Reflecting on her remarkable journey, Ms. Sarah expressed profound gratitude for the opportunity to fulfill her academic aspirations. “It’s something that I had to do,” she said. “I’m very, very grateful that God has enabled me to do this.”
The graduation ceremony was a poignant moment, not only for Simpkins and her family but also for the community and the college. It highlighted the power of resilience and the importance of lifelong learning.
Ms. Sarah’s story is a testament to the idea that it is never too late to pursue one’s dreams and that education is a valuable endeavor at any age. Her achievement has been celebrated widely, inspiring many to never give up on their goals regardless of the obstacles they may face.
The journey of Sarah Simpkins underscores the importance of determination, family support, and the belief that age is just a number when it comes to fulfilling one’s dreams. As she and her granddaughter walked across the stage to receive their diplomas, they not only made history but also created a powerful legacy of hope and perseverance for future generations.