Discover 10 Fascinating Facts About the Maasai Tribe of East Africa


Tanzania is a land of natural beauty and diverse cultural traditions, offering an array of attractions to visitors.

From the stunning national parks to the scenic vistas and majestic volcanic peaks, the country is filled with surprises that will take your breath away. However, one of the most alluring aspects of Tanzania in recent years has been its indigenous Maasai Tribe.

No safari experience in Tanzania is complete without a cultural excursion. A visit to Tanzania’s Maasai Tribe is an opportunity to immerse yourself in the lifestyle, heritage, and vibrant culture of these remarkable people.

With over 120 ethnic tribal groups in Tanzania, the Maasai Tribe is among the most captivating. These semi-nomadic pastoralists, who live in both Kenya and northern Tanzania, are known for their distinctive customs and age-old traditions.

Here are a few fascinating facts about the Maasai Tribe to help you get better acquainted with their culture.

  1. The Maasai People

The Maasai population of around half a million individuals resides in semi-arid and arid territories along the Great Rift Valley, spanning across southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. They occupy a total land area of 160,000 square kilometers.

  1. They are lion hunters

The Maasai, widely recognized as a fearless and powerful warrior tribe, inhabit regions in close proximity to formidable predators, particularly lions. To survive alongside these animals, they have developed techniques for hunting them when necessary.

Typically, Maasai lion hunting is carried out in groups called olamayio, where members employ traditional weapons to take down the big cats.

Although solo lion hunting is occasionally conducted by Maasai warriors, it is discouraged by the tribe’s elders. After a successful lion hunt, the Maasai often mark their chests as a symbol of the feat.

Despite their reputation as lion hunters, the Maasai no longer engage in the practice except in cases of necessity.

  1. They love cattle blood

On certain significant occasions such as childbirth, sickness, or circumcision, the Maasai tribe may consume cattle blood due to its perceived immune-boosting properties.

Furthermore, the elders of the community use cattle blood to alleviate the effects of intoxication or hangovers after consuming alcohol.

The Maasai people share an undeniable connection with their cattle, which has been established since ancient times. Cows not only provide milk for their sustenance but also play a crucial role in their daily life and cultural practices.

Cattle raiding, which involves stealing livestock from neighboring tribes, is a common practice among the Maasai as they believe it brings prosperity to their family. Cattle also play a significant role in their various ceremonies, such as birth rituals.

  1. Livestock serves as a social utility

Livestock, comprising cattle, goats, and sheep, serves as the primary source of income for the Maasai community. It holds a crucial position in the Maasai economy and serves as a social utility. Livestock is traded among the Maasai for other livestock, cash, or livestock-derived products such as milk and cheese.

  1. The wealth is measured in terms of cattle

Cattle are central to the way of life of the Maasai people in East Africa, who are among the most vibrant indigenous societies on the continent.

They have built an economy and culture that revolves around their cattle herds. The Maasai consider cows as the most important part of their lives and measure their wealth by the number of cattle they own.

Material possessions and money are not as important to them as their livestock. In fact, the number of cows a man has plays a significant role in determining his eligibility for marriage.

  1. After death rituals

The Maasai people have a unique and fascinating history. Originating in North Africa, they migrated to the south and east during the 15th century, gradually expanding their territory to encompass central Tanzania and northern Kenya in the 17th and 18th centuries.

One of the remarkable aspects of Maasai culture is their distinctive approach to death rituals. Unlike many other cultures that believe in an afterlife or an existence beyond the physical realm, the Maasai do not subscribe to these beliefs. As a result, their death rituals are notably minimalistic.

When a Maasai individual passes away, their body is covered in oxblood and left in the bushes to be consumed by predators.

The Maasai believe that the scent of blood attracts these animals, and they view this process as a natural and honorable way to dispose of the body.

In the event that the body remains uneaten by predators on the second night, it is believed that the deceased may have an attachment to their surviving family members.

Overall, the Maasai’s cultural practices and beliefs offer a fascinating glimpse into the diversity of human experience and the unique ways in which different societies approach life and death.

  1. Maasai women gather while men hunt

The Maasai people have a unique way of building their homes, known as Inkajijik. These houses are distinctive in shape, with a rectangular, loaf-like design that is constructed using materials found in the surrounding land.

Interestingly, it is the women of the tribe who take on the task of building these houses. Using locally sourced materials such as sticks, grass, mud, and even cow dung, they carefully construct homes that are both sturdy and practical.

Alongside this important role, the women are also responsible for a range of other tasks that are critical to the tribe’s survival. This includes supplying water, gathering firewood, milking the livestock, and preparing meals for their families.

Meanwhile, the men of the tribe play a crucial role in protecting the tribe’s valuable livestock. In addition to being hunters and warriors, they are responsible for building fences made out of acacia thorns.

These fences serve as a barrier to keep predators such as lions from attacking and killing the tribe’s livestock. The men’s skills in building these fences are crucial to the tribe’s survival, as the loss of livestock can have a significant impact on the Maasai’s economy and way of life.

Overall, the Maasai people’s way of life is marked by a deep connection to the land and the natural resources around them.

From the homes they build to the tasks they perform, the Maasai’s traditions and practices are shaped by their environment and the need to work together to survive and thrive in a challenging landscape.

  1. They are nomads

The Maasai people are a nomadic or semi-nomadic tribe who have a tradition of moving from one place to another in search of grazing land for their cattle.

This practice dates back to ancient times and is still followed by many Maasai today. They prefer not to stay in one place for their whole lives, and their homes, called Inkajijik, are constructed from materials found in the surrounding area so they can easily be taken down and moved.

While some Maasai have now chosen to live in settled villages, the tradition of nomadic life remains an important part of their culture.

  1. They Worship Engai

The Maasai tribe has a deep reverence for the elements of nature, particularly thunder, lightning, and rain. They view these natural phenomena as both gifts and punishments that can impact the tribe’s livelihood.

The Maasai use the term “engai” to refer to God or the elements, as they believe that these forces shape the earth and all that inhabits it. They pray to engai as a spiritual force that governs the universe and plays an important role in their daily lives.

Also read: Top 10 places to visit in Kenya, home of the Maasai Warriors

  1. They Frown On Farming

Farming is not a common practice among the Maasai tribe, as they only resort to it when there are no other options available.

The tribe views farming as a violation of nature because it involves altering the land for crop production. The Maasai believe that once the land is cultivated, it is no longer suitable for their valuable livestock to graze on. Hence, they consider it a crime against nature.

  1. Circumcision remains a customary practice among the Maasai tribe.

The circumcision ceremony holds great significance in the Maasai culture and is considered the most crucial rite of passage for boys.

It is eagerly awaited by young men in the community and is typically performed soon after they reach puberty.


If you’re looking for a truly unique experience during your Tanzania safari tour, make sure to visit the Maasai village and meet the Maasai people. As one of the oldest and most fascinating tribes on the planet, the Maasai have learned to coexist with nature and wildlife in a way that few other cultures have been able to achieve.

Visiting a Maasai village offers a rare glimpse into an age-old tradition and a way of life that is quickly disappearing. It’s an opportunity to learn about their unique customs, food, and culture, and to gain a deeper appreciation for the beauty and diversity of Tanzania.

While exploring the national parks and other destinations in Tanzania, make sure to take the time to connect with the Maasai tribe and their incredible way of life. It’s an experience that is sure to stay with you for a lifetime.


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