Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women


Vera Ofure, a 22 years old Afrocentric content creator, model and stylist, put together a shoot that showcases the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian women back in the days. This shoot which she tagged, Omonuwa was drawn from images of how Nigerian women used to dress up in the 20th century. “Omonuwa” means; child of wealth in Benin; Omo/child
and Uwa/wealth, riches.Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women

Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women

According to Vera, This shoot is centered on the typical Nigerian woman’s traditional fashion sense. The makeup of a woman is not just in her beauty but her nurturing, industrious craft, kindness and feminity; her riches in her clothing, food, culture, value and womanhood.Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women

Talking about her inspiration for the shoot, she adds; ”As a young Nigerian woman, creating this piece I looked at my mum’s clothes and I wanted to style based on my innate curiosity to create and match pieces. What came to my mind was the values of a Nigerian woman centering around how she adorns herself with jewelries, gele aso-oke, george,purses ,Hollandis and the list can go on.

Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women

Comparing the fashion sense of Nigerian
women back in the day and now much and not much has changed. As I try to lay importance on the philosophy of the African woman to take care of her children and instill values that shape our society today . I will not forget to highlight the typical
Nigerian woman traditional fashion sense. In my best way I try to portray it. Do you know Nigerian women like to party ? Owambé

Inspirations for the Omonuwa Shoot

Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women

Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women Omonuwa: A photoshoot in honor of the typical traditional fashion sense of Nigerian Women

Art direction : @veraofure
Photography: @_sirmee
Models: @favourrurie, @queensley_foma, @veraofure
Assist : @manlyk_elo @talkwith_sure @favourrurie

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