Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi


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We are very delighted to share today’s wedding and it is indeed one of the most beautiful weddings that we have shared on our platform. This wedding was well captured in the heart of Botswana by Mavens Collective photography, and the couple Setadimo and Kgosi, as well their guests had a wonderful time.Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi

Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi

The bride Setadimo lets us in on their story.

 I went to University with two of Kgosi’s cousins who were very close friends of mine so I met him through them, at a party. When we were introduced, it felt like I’d known him for a very long time. He felt familiar and warm and had the most beautiful smile. I didn’t see him again for a couple of years after that. When we got in contact again he asked to take me out for dinner for my birthday. I thought it was presumptuous of him but I said yes anyway.

On the date, we spoke about everything we could think of. It felt like catching up with a best friend you hadn’t seen in forever. We made plans to see each other again a week later because we lived an hour apart. He was at my gate the very next day, to take me on a date, and every day after that.

Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi

The Proposal and Lobola of this Botswana Wedding

I’d recently moved to Cape Town and was always exploring new places. I’d explore during the week then took him to the places I liked when he came over on weekends. One weekend, he was coming to see me with our friends so he asked that we go to Cape Point, which he knew I loved, so they’d experience it. I was slightly disappointed when we got there because there was a thick blanket of clouds covering the view that I’d relentlessly spoken about.
Kgosi insisted that we hike to the furthest point because there were no people there and the view would possibly improve. The clouds didn’t go away but somehow I realised how gorgeous the view was. I started waxing lyrical about the view not realising I was leaving everyone behind. When they stopped responding, I turned around and Kgosi was on one knee and our friends recorded it all. He’d planned the entire thing with their help.


Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi 

His family wrote a letter to mine indicating their intentions and asking to meet with them. Our moms then met with each other before the big family meeting. They felt it important to establish what each of their expectations was and how they preferred the process be run and then deliver that to the delegation who would run the process. I loved that. Our families met, decided on a date the lobola would be paid and we had a small ceremony to celebrate on the lobola day.

How a Botswana wedding celebration is done

We are both from Batswana so our cultural practices are very similar. On the days leading up to the event, the family and community come together to start the preparations. A white ceremonial flag is erected at our homes. An intimate gathering is held and animals are slaughtered for the ceremonial representation of the joining of the two families. The wedding is a two-day celebration. On day one, at my home, we go through the process of ‘go laiwa’ where the bride and groom are given marriage advice and wisdom by the married elders in both families. Then a celebration is held and the bride is sent off. On day two, at Kgosi’s home, the process is repeated followed by a celebration to welcome the bride.

Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi

Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi Enjoy this magical Botswana wedding of Setadimo and Kgosi
Credit: @bontlebride







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