The animated film ’28th The Crossroads’ is set in the footprints of the February 28 1948 shooting incident; where three Ghanaian heroes had returned home with dashed hopes and promises; after fighting for the British Empire in the World War II. However, the British government, after making lots of promises to resettle the war heroes in dignity; failed the three heroes and ended up killing them. Ghanaian owned Parables Animation Studios in collaboration with Animation Africa recreated this vital part of Ghana’s history through art.
28th The Crossroads
This film’s storyline retraces the attempts made by the war heroes at re-integration into the society they had left behind before the war and their frustrations.
One of the veterans, Seargent Adjetey spearheads a peaceful march to Osu Christiansburg Castle, to draw attention to their plight. Unfortunately, the peaceful match turned violent; as the British Police Superintendent, who after failing to convince the protesters to retreat; fired directly at them, killing the three war heroes and leaving scores of others severely injured. This sad incident left a dent on the image of the Gold Coast now known as Ghana.
‘28th The Crossroads‘, is a 55-minute long creative feature film which was put together over a period of 37 months.
The Animated film is expected to be premiered at the SilverBird Cinemas at the Accra Mall and West Hills Mall in Weija in Ghana on February 28, 2022. Also, the premier is a commemorative event to mark the 74th Anniversary of the tragic crossroad shooting incident.
The production research materials were largely based on references from rich archival materials; as well as witness accounts of the event.