PHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African Men


PHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African Men

We know that the Igbo people appreciate and respect the Isiagu fabric. The fabric is expensive and commands respect. Isiagu is mostly seen during traditional marriages in the Eastern part of Nigeria, but these days, we are seeing the modern African men rock it for different events.

PHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African MenPHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African Men

Thanks to technology that has given us many designs and colours of this fabric. To ensure that anyone can afford it, there are many versions of the originals that you can go for if you don’t have enough for the real deal.

PHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African MenPHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African Men

Look handsome! Look traditional with Isiagu fabric. There is hardly a style you cannot use it for. We have seen men rock it as suits and in combination with other fabrics. This was something that we couldn’t do many years ago.

PHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African MenPHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African Men

We may not go for the full Isiagu regalia. You can go for the traditional top and use a trouser to match the colour or texture of the Isiagu.  The conventional striped hat can be used to make you blend the more even if you are not an Ibo.

PHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African MenPHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African MenPHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African MenPHOTOS: Stylish Isiagu Outifts For The Modern African Men

We believed some of these styles will inspire you to get yourself an isiagu. Tell us the style that got your attention.

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