Why African Mentor Can Make a Difference to your Profession


Why African Mentor Can Make a Difference to your Profession

For decades, the fundamental principle of mentorship has not changed. The guidance that is offered by an experienced person or  a mentor in an educational institution, a company or course. What is the duty of a mentor in a career?  You can benefit from a mentor in your career building when you consider a few basic things in your visibility raising and mentorship relationship.

Why African Mentor Can Make a Difference to your Profession

The success of your relationship with a mentor depends heavily on compatibility. A mentor and mentee should have indisputable support for one another. The relationship should not be too official or formal. Do not forget that a mentoring relationship should not be a one-way street affair. Both the mentor and mentee should be able to support each other and have a set down expectations.

When you have realistic career objectives and expectations, it will guide your mentor in leading you in the right direction. The work of a mentor is to help a mentee grow in a career and not to push them for promotion.  Goals should be defined to ensure a successful mentoring partnership.  These goals are not supposed to be formal or overly ambitious, but simple to follow like ‘I will want to understand how to give a great presentation.’

Why African Mentor Can Make a Difference to your Profession

Why mentors are important

Mentees can execute projects better when a dedicated mentor is involved. When you have a mentor, you will feel more confident and secure in your workplace and carry out assignments without difficulties.  Mentees learn how to feel comfortable in job-related activities with the support of a mentor.

Younger and new workers can gain skills at work when they have a relationship with a mentor.  Your career is built gradually, and your organization slowly benefits from your experience.

To create a great workplace, mentoring can help you improve your job satisfaction, reduce your work stress level and cultivate a network of both professional and social support. When you have someone who can share ideas and check in on you can help reduce career anxiety.

Why African Mentor Can Make a Difference to your Profession

Sponsorship vs. development

You can take advantage of a career sponsorship within your organization in developing yourself. A career sponsorship makes use of political capital in developing a worker as a leader. This process is usually carried out by a senior person who will advocate your career course unto a higher level.

These days there is gender parity in some workplace. However, in careers where the women are less in number, the perfect solution is to find a mentor. One way to make a difference in your career if you are a woman is to find a male mentor who can help you improve and compete favorably.  It has been found that companies that have gender parity have increased profits, sales, and revenues.   You can take advantage of a male mentor in moving your career to the next level and also reduce tension and inferiority complex while dealing with the men at work.

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